Give it up for Emily, one of Magneti’s rockstar Marketing Managers! She fits right in with the rest of us travel geeks and Harry Potter nerds at Magneti, but her secret cooking superpowers set her apart (details below). Meet Emily:

What drew you to Magneti?
The people, I’ve been looking for a place where I can both grow personally and professionally. Every person has been so welcoming and willing to not only help, but challenge me as well. They truly want Magneti to be a place where people want to work!

One secret talent you have?
I can take the most random ingredients from my pantry and turn it into an amazing meal! Some of my best meals come out of this. It’s fun to cook outside of the lines and without a cookbook. It allows my mind to wonder and dream up something fun and new!

Name that book that you always want to read again.
I would love to read the first three Harry Potter books again. Not only for the magic, but I also read them with my Grandma. That was such an amazing bonding time for us. I still can remember the way the pages smelled. It reminds me of my childhood.

If everything you ever lost was suddenly returned to you, what would you be most excited to see?
I may be taking this in a direction that was not intended… but my Grandfather. We recently lost him. He had dementia for the past five years, and he forgot me about three years ago. I lost my best friend. He was my biggest cheerleader. I would do anything to have his memory be returned even for a day.

Backstreet or *NSYNC?
I grew up with both… but I would choose *NSYNC. I am still a Justin Timberlake fan to this day. And they put out a great Holiday album. You should check it out if you haven’t heard it before!

If you could spend 3 months abroad, where would you go?
I would love to go back to Italy! I spent a semester abroad there in college, but there is so much more to explore. I would spend my days visiting museums while eating all the fresh pasta and pizza. I can’t forget about the gelato as well! I would start in Postino and would make my way through the country.

What song makes you want to start a dance party?
As I scroll through my Spotify to see what my most listened to songs are, I’ve realized that I need to listen to more dance party songs! I love any good Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber song. Everything they come out with is amazing and makes me want to get up and dance! I could also listen to them over and over again and not get sick of the songs.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Not to take things too personally. This has been an amazing piece of advice not only personally, but professionally. You never know what someone may be going through. Anger, fear, sadness and happiness could all be redirected towards you because you are the first person they talk to.

Those who know you best will call you ________________
“Emily – Queen of Organization and Master of Tasks.”