We’re thrilled to introduce you to Lindsay Pineau, Magneti’s newest Marketing Manager!

With well over a decade of diverse experience in the marketing industry, Lindsay’s an expert at creative problem solving, using her skills to drive stellar results for all sorts of clients. Read on to learn more about her love for nature (and the “enchanting experience” that is fishing), get to know her superstar kiddos, and catch a glimpse of her adorable Shih Tzu, Rio.

What drew you to Magneti?

Magneti is full of authentic, down-to-earth, and wildly brilliant people. That, and the incredible research and brand work they’ve done.

What are your top five travel destinations?.

Anywhere there’s nature: sun and stars, water and life, peace and quiet.

  • The woods.
  • The river.
  • The mountains.
  • The desert.
  • The ocean.

Tell us about your children – furry and biological.

My daughter, Indi, is 12 and in seventh grade. She is brilliant and kind and a talented musician and songwriter. She has the most active imagination that wows me regularly. I am honored to be her mom and watch her grow in her understanding of the world and how to navigate it well.

My son, Lenox, is 11 and in sixth grade. He is funny, diligent, and has a servant’s heart. He loves MTB, skiing, collecting rocks and artifacts, and carving wood. He melts my heart and watching him grow into a young man has been such an honor.

My dog, Rio, is three. He’s a demanding but emotionally intelligent Shih Tzu who was a result of my daughter’s relentless campaign during COVID to get another dog after our other one had passed. She won. And now, I think we all have.

A silly moment with Rio Star


What do you love about fishing?

Everything but rigging my rod. There’s a profound harmony that unfolds alongside the river—a dance with time and nature that has the power to slow the world down. Like, when the sun is just setting and the whole river canyon is aglow, my face is still warm from being kissed by the sun, and my whole body is cooled by the river’s flow. And, of course, there’s the thrill of reeling in a catch—a gratifying bonus to the whole enchanting experience.

Full hands in South Park


Full heart on the Frying Pan


If you had one extra hour in the day, what would you do with it?

If I had an extra hour in the day, I’d hold my kids closer, slow down, and practice presence. And sleep. I could use a bit more of that too.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Dear younger Lindsay: Stop hustling. You are loved, you are loved, you are loved.

Yin and Yang. Magnetic as always.
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles…” –Jack Kerouac

Welcome to Magneti, Lindsay!