We are so excited to get to know you and work with your team!
On this page, you will get to learn a little more about us and we’ll get to learn a little more about you.
Check out the video below for an introduction to the Magneti team.

Meet the Wizards Behind the Curtain

Here’s a look at your all-star lineup. We can’t wait to work with you!
We’re jumping with joy, Oreos and gifs.

Party Mode
Ray Cameron
Director of Digital Marketing
Ben Robb
Director of Strategic Engagement
Anthony Hyatt
Senior Marketing Manager
Maggie Bartlett
Senior Marketing Manager
Mike Clothier
Marketing Manager
Nerissa England
Marketing Manager
Lily Benjamin
Project Manager and Marketing Specialist
Karen Waldon
Senior Marketing Specialist
Mark Rantal
Senior Designer
Marisa Williams
Social Media Specialist
Matt Gallant
Web Developer
Chris Kruse
Web Developer
Gary Magnone
Lead SEO Strategist
Josh Steinfeld
Media Relations
David Lucas
Research Director
Adam Williams
Chief Executive Officer
Jesse Marble
Chief Marketing Officer

Three Laws of Gravity

Every strong team has a strong set of values. At Magneti, we call our core principles the Three Laws of Gravity, and we live and breathe by them every day. As a team, we hold each other accountable to these laws to ensure that we deliver great work for our clients.


Over Communicate

You will never wonder what we’re working on. Our team will keep you in the loop on, well, everything.

Nail the Details

Nail the Details

We deliver excellent work—dotted i’s and crossed t’s.John Wooden was right when he said, “Little things makebig things happen.”

Have Fun

Have Fun

In our world, fun matters. You’ll see that our creativity is driven by our obsession with joyful production.

Tell Us More

Some of this is important, most of it isn’t!

Magneti aims to be the most effective and innovative growth marketing team in Colorado.